Madagascar Reforestation Project


More than 380 million mangrove and dry deciduous trees planted (2021)


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Deforestation has long been an issue for Madagascar. It is one of the world’s top biodiversity conservation priorities because of its high concentration of endemic species and severe habitat loss rates. In the coastal zone, mangrove deforestation destabilizes the coastline, increases the vulnerability of coastal communities to storms and other weather events that are becoming more frequent and intense due to human induced climate change.

In upland dry deciduous forests, deforestation threatens one of the world’s rarest and most diverse forest systems. In response to the large-scale loss of mangroves and upland forests in Madagascar, Eden initiated the Madagascar Reforestation Project in 2007 and has now successfully planted more than 380 million mangrove and dry deciduous trees.

Eden works collaboratively with different communities and has full support from national, local, and tribal governments to reforest large areas of mangrove and dry deciduous forests along the coast and inland areas. We provide training and financial support to the local community to collect mangrove propagules and strategically plant millions of trees in coastal mangrove systems and upland dry deciduous forests that have been heavily degraded or deforested.

Helping in 4 sites over Magadascar:

Antsanitia Mangrove Planting Site

15°37’15.47”S, 46°26’22.70”E

Antsanitia is a vital mangrove estuary that needs long-term protection and restoration

Akalamboro Mangrove Planting Site

16°12’34.48”S, 44°59’26.88”E

Located on a lowland mangrove forest along the Akalamboro Estuary surrounding the Akalamboro community.

Vilamatsa Mangrove Planting Site

16°16’17.09”S, 44°26’47.66”E

Near Cape St. Andre and is a lowland mangrove forest surrounding the Vilamatsa community

Mangaroa/Besely Dry Deciduous Planting Site

15°52’21.03”S, 46°30’32.33”E

The planting teams use a planting palette of over 60 different species and planting methods to restore areas that had been deforested or degraded.

Other projects we support around the world

Haiti Reforestation Project

An agroforestry systems that protect watersheds and improvefood security.

The project equips local farmers with the training, tools and trees needed to grow and care while increasing their farms’ production and diversity.

Learn more


Nepal Reforestation Project

Improving local livelihoods and restoring forests in areas of critical importance.

The planting sites are located around Community Forests from the mountainous Nawalpur District to the lowland alluvial plains in the Terai

Learn more



Have a positive impact

The costs for planting a tree with our partners is between $0.25 to $1 USD. So skipping lunch out on a Friday or that visit to the mall once a month could already help plant hundreds of trees annually
