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“How much do I owe?” These are the best CO2 Footprint Calculators for Businesses

Written by Oscar Fuentevilla

Measuring the footprint of a business is a very complex process as it varies depending not only on their activities of the company but also on their employees actions and the involved on their supply chain.


  • It’s a complicated task to measure your footprint but there are some online tools to help.
  • An important thing is to have information of the business’ usage at hand when calculating this such as electric and heating bills.

For companies around the world it is becoming a very important piece of information knowing about the CO2 tons they produce with their operations. The relevance of this information comes with the fact that either for conviction, market adaptation or government regulations, businesses are being pushed to cover those emissions one way or the other.

We’ve done our research and we can recommend the following CO2 footprint calculators for businesses, as they are well researched and cover the most relevant angles, without making it too complicated:

  • CoolClimate (Berkeley University) - This calculator is great and easy to fill, the only limitation is that it only covers the USA, but many countries could measure using the US average value.
  • SME Carbon Footprint Calculator for small & medium businesses - A reduced version covering the basic usage of company, doesn’t go into too much detail but it can quickly give you an overview of your footprint to start covering.
  • CarbonFund Footprint Calculator - This is one of the most detailed and accurate free calculators online but, on the other side, to fill it you’ll need to be ready with documentation.
  • Hire an expert There are consultants that will take you over a process to analyze all your company’s processes in detail and will give you actions to take, as well as a monthly footprint number. Interested? We can get you in touch with them.

As said before, it is a complicated process to measure this, but experts can do it better and in more detail, although it is a longer and more expensive process than just calculating and contributing with an estimation.

The easiest way to do this is to contribute to green-focused projects that have an environmental impact such as tree planting ones. In Ecorely, we can help you get in touch contribute and get your company closer to net-zero.

Remember that it is not only about covering the footprint but to reduce it is ever more important. Check out some tips for business owners to do it in a cheap and simple way.

Written by Oscar Fuentevilla

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